Embracing Change: Beauty Rules For Growing Older


In the words of Coco Chanel, “You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty and irresistible for the rest of your life.”  With the over-65 population set to double from 46 to over 98 million by 2060, you’re likely to be in good company for your irresistible years.  The key to growing older in style is to accept or even embrace the natural changes that age brings, and find ways to adapt your beauty regime accordingly.  It goes without saying that cutting back on smoking, alcohol and stress is hugely beneficial to your beauty whatever your age, but what else can you do to keep your glow in your golden years?

Build your defence

Your skin is under attack every day from free radicals created as a result of pollutants in the environment.  A recent study carried out in Germany and China even appeared to link air pollution with brown spots on the skin.  Older skin is more prone to this cell damage simply because it has been exposed to these harmful conditions for longer.  While there are some physical aspects of growing older which can’t be prevented, you can prepare a decent defence for your skin from any age.  Using sunscreen to guard against UV rays, and creams containing antioxidants such as vitamins C and E should be part of your daily routine.  You could also try fruit peels to eliminate sun damage and refresh your skin. Finally, boost your defences by including antioxidant rich foods such as blueberries, kale, raspberries and dark chocolate in your diet.

Power up with proteins

As you grow older, your collagen production naturally declines.  This causes your skin to lose its elasticity, and hair and nails to become weaker.  Collagen is a vital protein for your body, so an effective beauty regime needs to include something to boost its supplies.  You might like to try a microneedling LED facial, or collagen-packed moisturizer for your face.  Regular nourishing treatments for your hair and nails will not restore collagen, but will at least help to maintain good condition.  You can also help to improve your collagen levels by taking supplements, or eating protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken and fish.

Stay strong

Whether you’re a gym bunny or a couch potato, as your body grows older you will notice a decrease in your muscle mass, bone density and general flexibility.  This will affect not only your physical strength but also your posture and how your clothes fit. Keeping fit as you age is also important for maintaining your independence and self esteem.  The CDC recommends various exercises to keep you strong and supple, or you could try pilates or yoga.  Walking, playing golf or swimming are ideal ways to get your heart rate up safely and enjoy some fresh air, and feeling fit and healthy gives you an unbeatable sheen.  While you’re building your fitness levels and fresh-faced glow, you can cheat with strategically placed bronzer or a mystic tan.

Finally, the most important tool in your beauty locker is a killer smile.  As the years pass, you will know yourself better than ever, and this confidence will shine through.  Have the occasional glass of wine, eat the good chocolate, surround yourself with like minded friends.  Being happy in your own skin is the best look, so practise thankfulness and embrace the changes. That’s the beauty of growing older.