Turning Back the Clock: A Look into SmartXide DOT CO2


The search for everlasting youth is on-going but the key to reversing the skin damage we develop over time is here at SkinSpaMED. The SmartXide DOT Co2 laser helps to restore our skin to that perfect Hollywood look that we so admire and gives us a new, natural glow.

What is SmartXide Dot Co2?

It’s an FDA-approved resurfacing laser the restores your skin’s youthful appearance through the formulation of a completely new skin layer.

This laser can be used on your face, neck, and even the delicate area around your eyes.

Is it right for you?

This treatment is ideal for pigment, sun damage, skin laxity/texture, wrinkles and acne scars.

What can you expect?

Prior to the procedure, your SkinSpaMED representative may apply a topical anesthetic to your skin to make the procedure more comfortable. No intravenous sedation is required. As you lie comfortably in the chair, your skin is immediately renewed by DOT Therapy. The laser will be moved around the treatment area utilizing customized settings. After the laser procedure is completed, a cold compress will be applied.

What are the benefits?

This laser stimulates the dermis to produce new collagen. After treatment, your skin will be more elastic and smoother, without any scars or alterations to your natural facial expression.

How many sessions are there?

The number of sessions depends on the type of treatment you choose:

Fractional Skin Resurfacing- repeated, shallower laser actions, which makes it possible to achieve excellent results in only a few sessions. Since the healthy surrounding tissues are protected, post-op recovery is shorter, simpler and with less risk of complications.

Traditional Skin Resurfacing- The laser emission is evenly distributed deep down in the tissue. The treatment usually requires only one session followed by careful, long-term post-treatment management.


After the procedure, your skin will experience some redness similar to a sunburn. The redness continues for a few days, and by day three or four, you will experience some peeling as your fresh and younger looking skin appears.

During the recovery period, you’ll apply a hydrating lotion to keep your skin moist and to promote healing. In most cases, you may resume applying makeup after about three days and your skin will return to its normal appearance in seven to ten days.

To schedule your appointment, or to learn more about how SmartXide DOT CO can help you, visit the SkinSpaMED website or call our Dallas spa at (972) 392-3895, or Colleyville at (817) 281-8181.