The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Skin Each Day

We often get asked, what is the single most important thing I can do for my skin each day?  This is a great question because skincare can get overwhelming.  With so many new products entering the market and all the latest trends we see on social media, it’s hard to know what actually works and what doesn’t. 

So let’s break it down. 

The One Product  You Should Wear Daily

The single most important thing you can do for your skin each day is protect it.  There are a number of ways to do this and the products you use to protect your skin may vary depending on it’s current condition, but there is one non-negotiable protection product everyone should have on their vanity and that’s SPF.

Wearing SPF daily helps protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.  Consistent exposure to UV rays can lead to sunburn, premature aging, sunspots, fine lines and wrinkles.  For the best protection we recommend a high-quality medical grade SPF.

Our Favorite SPFs

Any broad-spectrum, mineral-based physical sunscreen with SPF 30 or more, but RAGS2RICHES has a number of options we sell that also contain anti-aging ingredients!

Our Best Seller -  RAGS2RICHES  Tinted medical grade coverage SPF 44 which provides tinted coverage that blends with all skin tones and is best for normal or dry skin.

For Oily or Acne Prone Skin  - Clear SPF 45 is a must-have!

For Darker Skin Tones, Those That Don’t Get A lot of Sun or Sensitive Skin – Our zinc-based SPF 30

Protection Products Based on Your Current Skin

If you have:

Dry Skin With Dark Spots

If you have dry skin with dark spots, we recommend you give your skin added protection by using a high-quality Vitamin C like the Rags II Riches Vitamin C, Anti-Oxidant CE Ferulic Serum.  The Rags II Riches Vitamin C, Anti-Oxidant CE Ferulic Serum is a cream-based product that is micronized to get down to the dermal level where you need it.  It has a number of other ingredients in it that can add moisture to the skin.

Apply this product as part of your morning routine to provide protection from the free radicals your skin will be exposed to throughout the day.  When used consistently, this product will also help prevent your dark spots from getting darker with sun exposure.  

Oily Skin With Dark Spots

For clients with oily skin and dark spots, we also recommend a high-quality vitamin C, but you may want to stick to our liquid version of the Rags II Riches Vitamin C Serum.    Just like the cream version mentioned above, our liquid Vitamin C is micronized to get down to the dermal level and deliver amazing results, but it won’t provide added moisture that may overwhelm already oily skin.  

Aging Skin

Aging skin may require a few protection products.  On top of SPF, Vitamin C can also be beneficial if you have sunspots, or age spots. A good moisturizer is also an important protective product for aging skin.  High-quality moisturizers can help your skin retain water, which in turn helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  It also helps with an overall youthful appearance.  The bottom line is a good moisturizer can protect the skin from showing signs of aging.

Acne Prone Skin 

If you have acne-prone skin, adding products, even if it is in the name of protecting your skin, may be nerve-racking.  We understand that some products can easily cause breakouts but that doesn’t mean you should leave them out of your routine.  Even if you have acne-prone skin, you should be using SPF daily. 

We have seen acne clients that don’t want to use SPF or heavy serums because they are concerned these products will cause a breakout.  Instead of leaving them out altogether, let us know your concerns.  We can help you find the right balance between clear skin and protected skin!

Get a Customized Protection Plan

Still not sure what sure you should be using on your skin?  Schedule a consultation with us.  We can do a skin analysis on your skin to further understand the current condition of your skin.  Then we can either recommend a treatment plan that combines in-spa treatments and at-home products or, the best at-home products to protect your skin and prevent further damage.