The Filler Celebrities Love but Rarely Talk About by Name

Scupltra® is one of my favorite products! I use it regularly when I’m doing cosmetic injections at SkinSpaMED!  The truth is, Sculptra really isn’t a filler at all, but it offers similar results.  A lot of people, including celebrities, use Sculptra to hold on to their youthful appearance but you likely won’t hear many people asking for it by name.  Sculptra is one of the best-kept secrets in my anti-aging toolbox, because this product is formulated differently than many other fillers on the market.

What Makes Sculptra® Different

I use Sculptra® to help clients replace lost volume which in turn helps them look more youthful overall.   While other fillers can do the same thing, the difference is in HOW they work.  Sculptra works with your body to encourage collagen production.  It is actually a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, which means it works deep beneath the skin’s surface to target the underlying structure of the skin and decrease facial wrinkles from the inside, out.  Changes take place withing 2 to 6 months and results can last up to a few years after treatment! 

Lack of collagen production is the root cause of fine lines, wrinkles, and aging. Sculptra is the only product in the cosmetic injection category that addresses the root cause by stimulating collagen production. Other fillers can help replace lost volume and/or contour areas of the face by adding filler to the area. 

Sculptra vs Juvederm and other Fillers

Clients often ask why we offer so many options when it comes to cosmetic injections. They also ask how to choose between a product like Sculptra compared to Juvederm or other fillers.  We offer a number of options because every client is different.  We select the type of cosmetic injection you need based on the current condition of the area you want to treat along with your desired outcome. 

For example, I would recommend Sculptra to a client that was looking to treat sunken or hollow areas of the face that have lost fat.  I would recommend Juvederm to a client that wanted to treat an area of the face or lips that has thinner skin such as areas around the mouth and nose as Sculptra can’t be used around the mouth and eyes.

As a client you should be educated on the types of cosmetic injections available BUT you shouldn’t need to tell your injector what to use!  You should always rely on your injector to do a thorough assessment and develop a treatment plan that includes the appropriate injections for the area you want to treat.   Knowing what is available, will help you ask questions and make informed decisions about your treatment options.  I always recommend scheduling a consultation with your injector before making any decisions.


  • Sculptra is not an instant results injection. Results will appear over time and in some cases it can take up to 6 months to see full results with results lasting up to 2 years after a Sculptra injection.

  • Sculptra is an FDA approved injectable, however, I always recommend you visit the company’s site, read the possible side effects and discuss anything that concerns you with your injector. Here’s a link to their site.

  • Sculptra has some great before and after photos on their site. Click here to go to the page.

  • Yes! We have found that PRX-T33 pairs very well with Sculptra. Any time we have a client that gets these two services together they rave about their results. If you’re interested in coming up with a multi-modal treatment plan to address several issues, let us know during your consultation and we can make recommendations.

If you’re ready to experience one of the treatments our celebrity clients rave about, contact us to secure a spot on our schedule!